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The Size, Strength, and Shred Cycle: A 16-Week Workout Plan

The Size, Strength, and Shred Cycle, or SSS for short, is a combination of three of our most popular programs in-one: Redemption, Reconstruction, and B4B. 


Fitness level: Intermediate


The entire 16-week plan has been specifically designed to help you build muscle, increase strength, and lose fat in a smart, strategic, and scientific way. 

You start with Redemption, a 6 week block, to focus on building size or "hypertrophy." You then move onto to Reconstruction, a 4 week block, to boost your strength. You’ll finish the cycle with B4B, a 6 week block, to maintain your gains while increasing fat loss.


Redemption is designed around classic bodybuilding movements, Reconstruction focuses more on eccentric training, and B4B incorporates more supersets and trisets. 


Results come from consistency and long-term commitment. If you truly want to build muscle, increase strength, and lose fat, we suggest following the Size, Strength, and Shred Cycle as prescribed for 16 weeks along with a nutrition plan that meets your needs.


*All Sales Are Final. No Refunds.


DISCLAIMER: The material (including without limitation, advice and recommendation) within this program is provided solely as general educational and informational purposes. Use of this program, advice and information contained herein is at the sole choice and risk of the reader.

Always consult your physician or healthcare provider before beginning any nutrition or exercise program. If you choose to use this information without prior consent of your physician, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your decisions and agreeing to hold harmless HUMANFITPROJECT, its agents, employees, contractors and any affiliated companies from any liability with respect to injury or illness to you arising out of or connected with your use of the information contained within this program, other programs, our email newsletter or our website.